A Fundamental Baptist Church
Welcome to Peace Baptist Church, established in 1975. Peace Baptist is an Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church. Our mission is to affect our portion of Wilmington and surrounding areas for time and eternity for the cause of Christ. We are doing this through KJV Bible preaching and teaching as well as online access providing worshipful music that uplifts the name of Jesus Christ. There are many opportunities at Peace for Spiritual growth, Fellowship and Service, these include Sunday School, Worship services, Master clubs and Choir.
Our Christian based programs are dedicated to encourage children and teens alike. Master Clubs, Peace Teens, Camp Sessions, Bus Ministry and Sunday School are instructed by exemplary staff who have a desire to minister to the youth of our community.
If you are looking for a church family and a place to call home, Peace Baptist Church might be the place you seek. We would love for you to visit any time and look forward to seeing you soon.
We Believe In ....
The Tri-unity of God
The Verbal Plenary Inspiration Of The Scriptures
Justification By Faith
The Bodily Resurrection Of Christ
The Blood Atonement Of Christ
The Personal And Imminent Return Of Christ
The Person And Work Of The Holy Sprit
The Virgin Birth Of Christ
The Priesthood Of The Believer
The Autonomy Of The Local Church
Worldwide Missions
Regenerated Church Membership
The Personality Of Satan
The Total Depravity Of Natural Man
The Reality Of Heaven And Hell
The Eternal Security Of The Believer
Separation From The World
The Two Ordinances - Baptism And Communion

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Matthew 7: 7,8
Peace Baptist Church
320 Military Cutoff Rd, Wilmington, NC 28405, USA
(910) 791-4034